Litigated / Contested Divorce

When facing a litigated or contested divorce in Austin, Texas, it is essential to comprehend the intricacies of the process and how to move through the intricate legal framework. In this blog post, we will delve into various aspects of contested divorces in Austin, providing valuable insights for those dealing with this challenging situation.

We will begin by discussing an overview of a litigated divorce in Austin, including its definition, pros, and cons, as well as alternatives available. Following that, we'll explore the step-by-step process involved in a litigated divorce case from filing to post-divorce modifications and enforcement of orders.

Moreover, financial considerations such as dividing marital property and debts during a contested divorce will be addressed along with spousal support/alimony and child support issues. Additionally, we'll examine emotional considerations like managing stress and coping with conflict throughout the litigation-based divorce process.

Last but importantly, we will discuss legal representation for a contested or litigant-based divorce in Austin – covering the benefits of hiring an attorney, finding the right attorney for your case & cost associated with it.

Overview of Litigated Divorce in Austin, Texas

A litigated divorce is a legal process where both parties cannot reach an agreement on various aspects of their separation and require the intervention of a court to resolve disputes. In this portion, we will look into the meaning of a litigated divorce, its advantages and drawbacks, as well as alternate solutions available for couples wanting to terminate their marriage in Austin, Texas.

Definition of Litigated Divorce

A litigated divorce, also known as contested or litigation-based divorce, occurs when spouses are unable to agree on one or more issues related to their separation such as property division, child custody arrangements, spousal support (alimony), or other matters that need resolution before finalizing the dissolution of marriage. This type of divorce typically involves hiring attorneys who represent each party's interests throughout negotiations and court proceedings.

Pros and Cons of Litigated Divorce

Litigation may be necessary if you're dealing with complex financial situations or high levels of conflict between parties; however, it can also be time-consuming expensive emotionally draining Here are some advantages and disadvantages to consider:


  • Legal representation: In a litigated divorce, each spouse has their own attorney to represent them and protect their interests. This can be especially helpful if there are complex legal issues or disputes that need to be resolved.
  • Formal process: Litigated divorces follow a formal legal process, which can provide structure and guidance for both spouses. This can help ensure that all necessary legal steps are taken and that the divorce is finalized properly.
  • Court oversight: Because litigated divorces take place in court, there is a judge who oversees the process and makes decisions on any contested issues. This can provide a sense of impartiality and fairness, as well as ensure that both spouses have an opportunity to present their case.


  • Cost: Litigated divorces can be expensive, as each spouse will need to pay for their own attorney and may also need to pay for other legal fees (such as court costs or expert witness fees).
  • Time-consuming: Litigated divorces can take a long time to resolve, especially if there are many contested issues or if the court's schedule is busy. This can prolong the emotional stress of the divorce process.
  • Adversarial: Litigated divorces can be adversarial in nature, with each spouse trying to “win” the case. This can create tension and conflict between the spouses, which may make it more difficult to reach agreements on important issues.

Alternatives to Litigated Divorce

If communication between spouses is possible, then there are a few alternatives to going through the traditional court-litigated divorce that can be both cost and time efficient while reducing stress. These include:

  • Mediation: A neutral third-party mediator helps couples negotiate their differences and reach an agreement.
  • Collaborative Divorce: Both parties work with specially trained attorneys who help them resolve disputes without going to court.
  • Uncontested Divorce: Spouses agree on all issues related to the dissolution of marriage and submit a written agreement for approval by the court.

Austin, TX couples facing divorce should be aware of the various methods available to them for concluding their marriage. While litigation may be necessary in some cases, exploring alternative methods like mediation or collaborative divorce can lead to more amicable resolutions that benefit both parties involved.

Litigating a divorce in Austin, Texas can be an intricate and lengthy undertaking necessitating the counsel of a proficient family law lawyer. The next heading will provide more information on the specifics of how to go through this process.

Key Takeaway: A litigated divorce, also known as a contested or litigation-based divorce, occurs when couples can't reach an agreement on their separation and need court intervention. It is often expensive and time-consuming but may be necessary for complex financial situations or high levels of conflict between parties. Alternatives such as mediation, collaborative divorce, and uncontested divorces are available to help couples find amicable resolutions without going through the courts.

The Process of a Litigated Divorce

The process of a litigated divorce in Austin, Texas involves several steps that can be complex and time-consuming. This section will outline the essential stages to help you understand what to expect during your contested divorce journey.

Filing for a Litigated Divorce

To initiate the Texas divorce process, one spouse must file a petition with the appropriate district court located within their county of residence. The other spouse is then served with the divorce papers, which include the original petition and any temporary orders requested by the filing party.

Discovery Process in a Litigated Divorce

In contested divorces where parties cannot agree on various issues such as child custody or property division, they may need to engage in discovery – an information-gathering phase designed to uncover relevant facts about each party's financial situation and parenting abilities among others. During this stage:

  • Both spouses exchange documents related to assets, debts, income sources,
  • Divorcing couples might participate in depositions (sworn testimonies), written interrogatories (questions answered under oath), and requests for the production of documents,
  • An attorney may hire experts like appraisers or psychologists if needed.

Court Hearings and Trials for a Litigated Divorce

When spouses cannot reach an agreement on their own or through mediation, the contested divorce process will proceed to court hearings and potentially a trial. During these proceedings:

  • A judge may issue temporary orders related to child custody, support payments, or property possession,
  • Both parties present evidence and arguments supporting their positions,
  • The judge makes decisions regarding disputed issues like division of marital property, spousal support (also known as alimony), child custody arrangements, and child support.

Finalizing the Litigated Divorce

Once the differences have been settled, either through a mutual agreement or by a court ruling, the last move is for both sides to sign an accord that states all of their divorce terms. The judge then reviews this document before issuing a final decree which legally dissolves the marriage.

Post-Divorce Modifications and Enforcement of Orders in a Litigated Divorce

In some cases after obtaining your divorce based on the litigation method you might need assistance with modifying existing orders such as changes to child custody agreements due to relocation or updating spousal/child support amounts because one party's financial situation has changed significantly. Additionally, if your ex-spouse fails to comply with any aspect of finalized order (e.g., not paying the required amount) enforcement measures can be taken via legal means so proper compliance occurs moving forward.

The process of a litigated divorce in Austin, Texas is complex and requires the assistance of an experienced attorney. Moving on to financial considerations for a litigated divorce in Austin, Texas, it is important to understand how marital property and debts are divided as well as spousal support/alimony and child support payments.

Key Takeaway: A litigated divorce in Austin, Texas can be a complex and lengthy process. It typically starts with filing for divorce, followed by the discovery phase to uncover relevant facts about each party's financial situation and parenting abilities. Finally, after resolving any outstanding issues either through mutual agreement or court intervention both parties must sign off on a settlement before obtaining their final decree which dissolves the marriage.

Financial Considerations for a Litigated Divorce

When navigating a litigated divorce in Austin, TX, one must take into account the financial consequences of such an undertaking. This section will discuss various aspects of finances during a contested divorce process, including dividing marital property and debts, spousal support or alimony payments, and child support.

Dividing Marital Property and Debts During a Litigated Divorce

In a litigated divorce in Austin, the court follows Texas community property laws when dividing marital assets and liabilities between spouses. Community property includes all income earned by either spouse during the marriage as well as any assets acquired with that income; separate property consists of anything owned before marriage or received through inheritance or gifts.

  • The court will first identify which assets are considered community property and which are separate.
  • The judge then determines an equitable distribution based on factors such as each spouse's earning capacity, education level, health status, the age difference between spouses, etc., while ensuring that neither party is left destitute after the division.
  • If there are outstanding debts associated with shared properties (e.g., mortgage), these must also be divided equitably among both parties.

Spousal Support/Alimony During a Litigated Divorce

Spousal support or alimony can be granted to one partner if they display financial hardship as a result of the divorce. The court will consider factors such as:

  • Duration of the marriage
  • Each spouse's financial resources and earning capacity
  • The age, health, and education level of each spouse
  • The standard of living established during the marriage
  • Custody arrangements for any minor children involved in the case.

Note that Texas law imposes limitations on spousal support amounts and duration based on specific criteria. It is essential to consult with a knowledgeable attorney to understand your rights regarding alimony payments in a litigated divorce process.

Child Support During a Litigated Divorce

In cases involving minor children, child support payments are determined by following guidelines set forth by the state of Texas. These guidelines take into account both parents' incomes, the number of children being supported, cost-sharing agreements for medical insurance premiums or other expenses related to raising kids, etc., among other considerations.

The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) provides an online calculator that can help estimate potential child support obligations based on these factors; however, it is always advisable to seek legal counsel when navigating complex family law matters like contested divorces where emotions may run high between parties involved.

It is important to consider the financial implications of a litigated divorce in Austin, Texas. Knowing how marital property and debts will be divided as well as understanding spousal support/alimony and child support obligations can help you make informed decisions throughout the process. Moving forward, it is also essential to understand the emotional considerations that come with going through a contested or litigation-based divorce in Austin, TX.

Key Takeaway: This article provides an overview of the financial considerations involved in a litigated divorce in Austin, Texas. It covers topics such as dividing marital property and debts, spousal support or alimony payments, and child support. By understanding these aspects of a contested divorce process ahead of time, parties can be better prepared to tackle any challenges that may arise during proceedings.

Emotional Considerations for a Litigated Divorce

A litigated divorce can be an emotionally challenging experience for both parties involved. In this part, we will look at some of the psychological impacts related to a contested or litigation-based divorce in Austin, TX, and give guidance on how to manage stress and clash during the procedure.

Dealing with Stress During the Process of a Contested or Litigation-Based Divorce

Going through a litigated divorce can cause significant stress due to various factors such as financial strain, uncertainty about the future, and potential conflicts between spouses. Here are some strategies that may help you manage your stress levels during this difficult time:

  • Maintain self-care habits: Prioritize taking care of yourself by eating well-balanced meals, getting regular exercise, sleeping enough hours each night, and seeking support from friends or family members when needed.
  • Create healthy boundaries: Set limits on discussing your divorce outside of legal proceedings to avoid constant reminders that could exacerbate your stress levels.
  • Seek professional help if necessary: If you find it difficult to cope with your emotions during this time period consider speaking with a mental health professional specializing in divorce-related issues.

Coping with Conflict During the Process of a Contested or Litigation-Based Divorce

In many cases where couples choose litigated divorces over alternative dispute resolution methods like mediation or collaborative law processes there is often increased tension between parties which can lead to high-conflict situations throughout court proceedings. Here are some suggestions on how to manage conflicts effectively during your contested divorce:

  • Stay focused on the issues at hand: Try not to let emotions cloud your judgment when discussing important matters related to property division, child custody, and support arrangements.
  • Avoid engaging in negative communication patterns: Refrain from using hostile language or making personal attacks against your spouse as this can only escalate conflict further.
  • Consider seeking professional help for conflict resolution: If you find it difficult to communicate with your spouse without arguments erupting consider enlisting the assistance of a divorce mediator, even if you have already chosen litigation as your primary method of dispute resolution. A mediator may be able to facilitate more productive conversations between both parties involved in order to reach agreements outside the court setting which could ultimately save time money emotional energy overall process.

Navigating through a litigated divorce is undoubtedly challenging but being mindful of these emotional considerations can help make the journey smoother. Remember that seeking legal representation from an experienced family law attorney specializing in contested divorces will also provide invaluable guidance throughout this complex process.

It is important to remember that emotional considerations should not be overlooked during a litigated divorce in Austin, Texas. With the right legal representation and guidance, you can navigate this process with confidence as we move on to discuss the benefits of hiring an attorney for your contested or litigation-based divorce in Austin, TX.

Key Takeaway: Going through a litigated divorce can be an emotionally and financially taxing experience. Focusing on the matters, constructing healthy limits, keeping up with self-care activities, and potentially obtaining expert advice can assist in getting through a litigated divorce process with as little distress or dispute as possible.

Navigating a contested or litigant-based divorce can be complex and emotionally draining. Having the right legal representation is crucial to ensure your rights are protected and you achieve the best possible outcome. Finding the right legal representation is essential to navigating a contested or litigant-based divorce in Austin, Texas, and ensuring one's rights are protected while achieving the best possible outcome.

Benefits Of Hiring An Attorney For A Contested Divorce

  • Expertise: Experienced family law attorneys have extensive knowledge of divorce laws in Austin and can help guide you through each step of the process while protecting your interests.
  • Negotiation Skills: Skilled attorneys know how to negotiate effectively with opposing counsel on issues such as property division, child custody arrangements, spousal support/alimony payments, etc., potentially saving time and money by avoiding lengthy court battles.
  • Courtroom Experience: If your case goes to trial (which is more likely in a contested divorce), having an experienced litigator representing you increase your chances of achieving favorable results.
  • Paperwork Management: Attorneys handle all necessary paperwork related to filing motions/orders with courts ensuring compliance with deadlines & procedures thus reducing stress during this difficult time period.

Finding The Right Attorney For Your Contested Divorce

Finding the right attorney for your specific needs is essential when dealing with a contested or litigated divorce. Here are some tips on finding suitable legal representation:

  1. Research local family law attorneys: Look for lawyers who specialize in divorce and family law, specifically those with experience handling contested divorces.
  2. Seek referrals from those who have been through a similar process to find an attorney with the necessary experience.
  3. Check online reviews & ratings: Websites like provide client reviews, peer endorsements, and overall ratings of attorneys which can be helpful when making your decision.

The Cost Of Hiring An Attorney For A Contested Divorce

The expense of engaging a lawyer for a litigated or contested divorce is contingent upon various elements, such as the intricacy of the situation, how much contention there is between parties involved, and the hourly rate charged by legal counsel. Some common costs associated with hiring legal representation include:

  • Retainer Fee: Most attorneys require an upfront payment called a retainer fee before beginning work on your case. This amount is typically applied towards future billable hours.
  • Hourly Rate: Attorneys generally charge clients based on their hourly rate multiplied by time spent working on your case including meetings/phone calls/email correspondence/research/court appearances etc., these rates vary widely among professionals within industry so it's important to inquire about specific fees during initial consultations.

Navigating a litigated or contested divorce in Austin, Texas can be complex and emotionally challenging. However, understanding the residency requirements for filing, negotiating during the waiting period, judges' discretion in asset distribution, collaborative law as an alternative method, high custody cases, and pre/postnuptial agreements are all important factors to consider when seeking legal representation.

It is crucial to find an experienced Austin divorce attorney who can guide you through this difficult process while protecting your rights and interests. Our team of skilled attorneys is dedicated to providing compassionate yet effective legal counsel for those going through a contested divorce in Austin.

If you need help with your divorce case or have any questions about our services, please contact us.

Key Takeaway: Hiring an attorney for a contested or litigant-based divorce in Austin, Texas is essential to ensure the best possible outcome. It's important to do your due diligence when selecting the right lawyer by researching local attorneys, seeking referrals from those who have gone through similar processes and checking online reviews & ratings. Costs can vary depending on factors such as complexity of case but generally include retainers fees and hourly rates.

FAQs About Litigated or Contested Divorce

What happens when a divorce is contested in Texas?

In a contested divorce in Texas, both parties cannot agree on one or more issues such as property division, child custody, or spousal support. The process involves filing for divorce, discovery phase to gather information and evidence, court hearings and possibly trial. A judge will ultimately make decisions on unresolved matters.

What is the average cost of a contested divorce in Texas?

The average cost of a contested divorce in Texas can range from $15,000 to $30,000 per spouse depending on factors like attorney fees, court costs and expert witness fees. However, costs may vary based on complexity of the case and duration of litigation.

What can be used against you in a divorce in Texas?

Evidence that may be used against you during a litigated divorce includes financial records showing irresponsible spending or hidden assets; proof of infidelity; abusive behavior towards your spouse or children; substance abuse issues; criminal history; poor parenting skills; negative social media posts about your spouse.

What does litigate mean in divorce?

Litigate means pursuing legal action through the court system to resolve disputes arising from marital dissolution. In context of divorces it refers to cases where spouses are unable to reach agreements regarding key aspects like asset distribution & child custody leading them into courtroom battles overseen by judges who then decide outcomes based upon presented evidences & arguments.

Next Steps

A litigated or contested divorce in Austin, Texas can be a difficult process. It is important to understand the financial and emotional considerations involved as well as have legal representation that is knowledgeable about family law matters in this area. Having legal representation that is knowledgeable about family law matters in Austin, Texas can help you navigate the complexities of a contested divorce and reach an agreement with positive outcomes for all.

If you are facing a litigated or contested divorce in Austin, Texas, it is important to seek experienced legal counsel. Contact our office today for an initial consultation and find out how we can help guide you through the process.